Thursday, April 18, 2013

Project # 2 w/ Artist Statement

Recruit Me

Throughout my whole life, I have played basketball ever since I was little.  Once I got to college, I noticed that basketball and school work is very difficult to do at the same time.

This piece, Recruit Me, is a short video clip that shows how much dedication and time you have to put in at IUSB in order to be a successful student and player.  I did this video by filming myself in the locker room at IUSB so that it was easy access to get into a locker room when I wanted to.  I chose to do a clip of a morning workout that we do in the off season 3 times a week.  It started at 6 a.m. Monday morning and it lasted for about an hour.  Next, I decided to film my brother do a ball handling workout and also a shooting workout to show that you have to work on your basketball game by yourself in the off season.  Also, I filmed in at a study table that he had which was to explain that academics comes first no matter what.  The last segment was of a open gym which we also do in the off season so that we, as a team, can develop chemistry which is very valuable when it comes to season time.  Throughout this entire video, I mainly focus on doing b-roll shots.  

I chose to do this piece because college basketball is again, very difficult to do.  You have to divide up your time with sports and academics and also other things such as your social life.  It's very hard to do, I've been through it.  So, I wanted to show recruits or transfer students of how much dedication and time we put in in order to become successful as a student while being able to be on this basketball team.

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